Thursday, December 3, 2009

Into the Wild

1. He found that being in the wild didn't make him as happy as he thought it would and decided that he would be happier not being in the wild so it convinced him to attempt to make it home. He learned from being in the wild what really made him happy. He learned that what would really make him happy is a family and a home on a farm in the country side. Having purpose and meaning something to someone and starting a family. So with all that in mind he realized that the wild couldn't give him all that so he decided to go home.

3. I can see it go either way. True going out there doesn't make you a better man but at the same time it was a very brave thing to do because he saw the life style that he thought would make him happy and he went after it. He knew that he wasn't fully prepared and he knew that the trail had killed hikers before him and he still went so in that sense he is stupid. I do think that he is justified to have gone on his own in the wild putting his family through that pain because if you want something in this world then you have to go after it. Its what you want, not what anyone else wants for your life. What ever makes you happy and he thought it would make him happy so in his mind and my mind he is justified enough to leave.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Professional Exhibition

If you are having a professional organization exhibit your work:

1. Link to the San Diego Coastkeeper Wiki/Main Site

2. Still have to find someone to get in touch with to talk about possible linking to our own media saves the beach.


(619) 758-7743


(619) 224-4638


3. Date: 12/11/09 Place: Possibly, most likely on the Coast Keeper site.

4. So far we have not contacted them at this point. But sometime later this week, we will either walk down to their NTC office, inquiring about possible web site sharing/linkage.