Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Possible Media Saves the Beach Products

Photo Project:

A photo project that answers the question of the seriousness and effects of the run off in san diego.

good example: photo essays yoselin lopez.

Her artist statements are all pretty good and on track and most of them are to the point and don't drag on. They look like each one went through numerous critiques and fine tunings to get them where they are on the final product. Each picture looks well thought out and planned none really look staged.


I prefer not to work with movies but if the photo essay doesn't work out then i will do a video documentary of everything that happens when it rains.

This documentary is easy to watch because its fast paced. on my documentary what i can do is have music going in the background the whole time just to keep people listening. Its good in a movie to have movie instead of the whole thing be talking. this has interviews with a wide variety of people normal and professional.

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