During Obamas campaigning he made many promises to the people about change, saving the american people from the terrorists, making new jobs. He made it sound like everything was just going to work. Under his administration some of the things that have happened are as follows: percentage of unemployment is at large, we are in the worst recession since the great depression, apologizing to Al Khadda terrorists for something that we didn't do and is entirely their fault. On talk radio, and the Hannity and Colmes show, they are calling Obama one of the worst presidents that we have ever had. A huge reason for his election was not even for what he believed in, it was for his african decent.
Under the Roosevelt administration, America was pulled out of the Great Depression and the promises made by FDR were actually kept. He was a man of the people and cared more about them and their opinion than anything else. Because of that he was a widely popular president among congressmen and the people .
As you can see, Roosevelt was clearly a much better president than Obama.
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