Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog 14

To me what I find interesting about the wars is that in both wars its Germany who thinks they are better than everyone else and tries to conquer everyone. I also find it quite interesting how even though on paper they are stronger than everyone else that they still didn’t win the two world wars. In the first war the Germans are just trying to take everyone’s land and in the Second World War they are trying to exterminate the Jews.

I hope to learn more about tactical strategies on the battlefield and to learn how the leaders of the United Nations deal with things like giant wars.

During both wars, new weapons were created to better kill the enemies, a few of those weapons for example the napalm bomb were outlawed by the united nations for being too destructive. If the wars didn’t turn out the way they did, many of the problems today wouldn’t even be there because the world would be without Jewish people, and America wouldn’t have the same style government as we do. The Germans would have invaded and we would be under the command of whomever Hitler would appoint as new leader of our country. But they didn’t win so that didn’t happen.

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