Our generation is brought up in a recession. We are brought up in war times and patriotism. We are brought up in a time where you need to sell an arm and a leg to get an education but pay just a few bucks to mess up your life. Our biggest challenge is our temptations. Drugs, parties, alcohol, sex, stupid stunts. We are brought up in a world where you have to prove yourself and your goal is to be cool by doing stupid things. Because of that, many teenagers don't care about education or making a good life for themselves.
There isn't a whole lot any single person can do to fix this problem because its just drilled in the minds of the youth. Id like to say that making education cheaper would help but it really wouldn't because no matter how low it gets, teenagers and young adults don't always choose whats best for them in the long run and just choose whats fun at that moment in time.
Describe your vision for yourself in pursuing higher education.
I would like to get into film and performing arts. Whether it be movies, or stage acting, or performing music. All i want to do is be in front of people and be an entertainer. My dream college is Juliard. I figured if your going to go for your dreams you might as well shoot for the stars. If i don't make it in that business, I want to be a computer engineer because computers really interest me and creating and learning on the computer would just be great for me.
Beyond grades, what motivates you to work hard at school?
I work hard at school because ever since i was little i was afraid of failure. I was scared that i wouldn't make it in the real world and I was scared that people would look down on me. So school isn't necessarily about grades (they are a big part of it but not all of it) its about the feeling of accomplishment that i get from doing well.
What is a quality in a classmate that your would like to develop in yourself?
Madison's determination is admirable to me. She never procrastinates and wont accept anything less than the best. I try to do well but no matter what, i always procrastinate and end up losing quality of my final piece. With her quality of needing to achieve, many of my projects and assignments where i didn't receive a good grade would have been a lot better.
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