Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Writing Reflection

This year, my writing has greatly improved. In the beginning of the year with the American Icons project, i wasn't very good at collecting my ideas on paper and displaying them in a way that makes sense and is pleasing to the reader. I would use lots of -ing words and sledghammer words. I would often drag out sentences and go on and on about things that really dont matter.

My writing started to improve throughout the year and hit its peak with Ampersand. i spent hours on writing that paper, with close to 13 drafts and 3 changed subjects. I spent hours editing to get every last flaw out of the paper and my work showed with my final paper.

In the future i want to be better at making connections with the reader because right now I've gotten better at saying my thoughts in a way that makes sense but i haven't gotten to the point where i can draw human emotion with my writing. Thats the level i would like to be at.

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