Monday, January 25, 2010

Internship 12

Throughout the day we mainly just work with ourselves as interns. The first week was the main week for the mentors to watch us constantly. Right now what we are doing is coming up with marketing ideas to get NBC more views so everyone in the company is indirectly affected by what we are doing right now. When we work with each other normally what we are doing is sharing ideas and helping with problems, not so much working as a team, as for the real employees of the business we dont really work with them too much at all other than learning about stuff that they do. All it does is gets a second opinion about your ideas to refine them to make it better. I don't know how my work affects people i dont see because i simply dont see them. If i were in charge, i wouldnt really care about how people work together as long as the work gets done. According to a lecture in Sara's class, the workers of google get more accomplished during the 20% of free time then the 80% of work time.

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