Thursday, January 14, 2010

Internship 6

I would like to learn from my mentor:
-what he/she majored in college
-do they enjoy their job
-how do they interact with their boss
-what they did before what they did now
-how long did it take to move up from where they started in the company
-what made you want the job you have
-knowing what you know now would you have changed anything about what you did or where you went

At the NBC office, there isn't computer reservation and because peoples needs change at different times the office is unpredictable for times. We are going to interview either Sherrylou, Craig, or Bill. The only confirmed equipment we can use for sure is whatever we bring from home. Because the office is so unpredictable we can't set a schedual time because we don't have control over what happens in the office but when there is down time (enough for what we need) thats when we will do our interview. The interview might be in pieces, we normally get random downtime throughout the day where everything is running smooth. Thats when we will get all the pieces for the interview and we can just edit them together.

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