Monday, January 11, 2010

Internship 2

To start off on the right tone what i did was make sure that i was being polite to all my mentors and give off a good impression and expressing an eagerness to start working on whatever they wanted. It showed that i was ready for the job. My mentors name is Bill, Bill an I have been talking a lot about the steps he took to get where he is today as a technical manager of NBC. We talked about things I should start looking into and start doing from the mistakes he made when he was younger. It doesnt directly help me at the current time but it gives me a better understanding of what needs to be done to land a good job in the future. I havent actually advanced the interest of my site because the jobs we have been doing lately have been more of the helping the mentor out and learning how everything goes, not so much him give us jobs and us go do them. In the near future what i can do to make my experience better is to be open to any job they give me and relize that im not going to know how to do it all/like it all and i just need to be ready for that because in the real world it doesnt matter if you want to do it or not you still have to.

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