Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Internship 5

Project title: NBC mini documentary
Project description: Using all the tools and skills we have learned for the time we were here, us as interns are going to create a documentary about our experiences here as high school students. Depending on the mood of our boss and if we have time, the documentary might be aired during the news
Project schedule: We don't really have a schedual because we learn more and more everyday and we cant predict whats going to happen everyday because systems go offline and hardware breaks. The business in general is unpredictable.
Materials & Equipment needed: PL2 video camera, INews, vibrant/news edit
Project documentation: All of our work is saved under NBC servers that we can access from any computer in the building. Others will know about it if we can get it on the air, which we are in the process of doing. After our internship we will have a professional documentary about our experiences.

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